Youth Literacy Day!

There are few organizations that I like more than 826 National (and all of their regional affiliates, for that matter). The organization combines writing, community and pirates. Few places/people/things/nouns have established such an utterly perfect Venn Diagram. In...

Disc Golf

Disc golf makes me happy. So much so that a game at Little Mountain, our local course, is always a first stop for guests visiting Vancouver. When we’ve got friends coming into town, my partner and I meet them at the airport, head to Queen Elizabeth Park, crack beers...

The Superhero Community

It’s no secret that, first, superhero communities – such as the X-Men, the Justice League of America, Canada’s Alpha Flight, and The Avengers – are pretty darn awesome. It’s also no secret that, second, The Potentiality’s editorial...

Bike Share in Melbourne Lacks Traction

About 12 months ago, the City of Melbourne introduced a new bike share program for the Melbourne community. Based on similar highly successful programs in places like London, Montreal and San Francisco, the program provides easy access to 100 bikes at 10 stations...

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