by potential | Aug 17, 2011 | 1000 Community Stories
CLJ Reviews The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck What We Read The Good Earth was published in 1931 and won the Pulitzer Prize in 1932. Generally regarded as a classic, I chose the book for two reasons: 1.) It’s my mom’s favourite book and I promised her we would read it...
by potential | Aug 16, 2011 | 1000 Community Stories
How many times have you heard those three words repeated? And how much have those three words translated into action? It isn’t easy. We live among disposable products. From the plastic bags in grocery stores, to the mop heads used for cleaning, to the printers we...
by Godfrey von Nostitz-Tait | Aug 15, 2011 | 1000 Community Stories
The editors of this fine publication have asked that I periodically pick a boat, ship, vessel – whatever – and say why it’s awesome, curious, noteworthy, etc. (I’m supposed to do this in 25 words. #Fail on that one.) Anyway, I’ve agreed,...
by potential | Aug 12, 2011 | 1000 Community Stories
Siddartha, by Herman Hesse, is the story of a life that chooses to question all ideology. The story is set in India at some point in its past and tells the story of a man’s life. Siddartha is a privileged, brahmin youth who is raised to become a priest and leader of...
by Kurt Heinrich | Aug 11, 2011 | 1000 Community Stories
Yesterday afternoon Whitecaps FC players Jeb Brovsky, Shea Salinas, Bilal Duckett and Jonathan Leathers joined dozens of street soccer players at Oppenheimer park for a pick up game and meet and greet. It was an amazing afternoon for many players who’ve faced...
by potential | Aug 8, 2011 | 1000 Community Stories
Last week, John and I went on an adventure in the wilderness. After weeks of accumulating supplies, preparing menus, going on test hikes, and becoming far too acquainted with the staff at MEC, we set out on the Juan De Fuca Trail on Vancouver Island’s West Coast....