The Potentiality’s Cartoonist in Residence, Phil Skipper, has an interesting take on leadership. Here is how Phil captured our personal and collective definitions of leadership: “Leadership means inspiring others to do something. Our planet needs leaders like you to save it (no pressure). You will use this competency to get the best out of people.” This is an article about how to be a provocative, enthusiastic and inquisitive leader.

Because with boldness, positivity and interest great leaders inspire people in ways that build community and enhance well-being.


John Leadership

John says: “Be provocative. Be a respected rebel. Work as a team-player, sure, but don’t be afraid to say and do things that are controversial and get people talking. Respected Rebels are remembered.”

Kurt Enthusiasm

Kurt says: “Be enthusiastic. Enthusiasm and positivity are contagious. Happy people are more engaged and productive.”

Mike Curiosity

Mike says: “Be curious. Great leadership is fueled by curiosity. Be open to new ideas and explore multiple options for getting things done. Think about it, then think about it the other way around.”

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