CLJ Reviews Animal, Vegetable, Miracle

What We Read This month, Vancouver’s Circle of Literary Judgement read Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver (with Steven L. HoppKingsolver) and Camille Kingsolver. The story – a non-fiction narrative that follows the path of the Vegetannual...
Alison Atkinson

Alison Atkinson

Who are you? I’m a reader, a writer, a Vancouver lifer, a pretty good veggie cook, a yogi, and depending on the day and season, a whole lot of other things. By day, I work as a high school English teacher. This year, I have grade tens and elevens. We’re...

CLJ Reviews Siddartha by Herman Hesse

Siddartha, by Herman Hesse, is the story of a life that chooses to question all ideology. The story is set in India at some point in its past and tells the story of a man’s life. Siddartha is a privileged, brahmin youth who is raised to become a priest and leader of...

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