A Father Son Surfing Haiku

A Father Son Surfing Haiku

Smiles on the water. Sticky wetsuit trauma over. Waves have energy. – A haiku inspired by the hours of rocking waves (struggling, popping, falling, surfing, learning) that the Oldest Boy and I spent on Canada’s West Coast.
How to Spread Kindness in Your Community

How to Spread Kindness in Your Community

Many years ago I presented at the University of British Columbia’s Student Leadership Conference (it’s one of the largest conferences in North America). I focused on straightforward tips on how to spread kindness in your community at school, at work and at...
A Spring Anticipation Haiku

A Spring Anticipation Haiku

Agility melts. Daffodils punch frozen soil. Anticipation. – A Spring Anticipation Haiku by John Horn that underscores how we humans often get more excited and engaged by the anticipation of something (as opposed to doing/experiencing the actional thing); here is...

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