Digital Fill: Welcome to Riverdale

You ever read Archie comics when you were little? Me too. I loved the whole love triangle thing between Betty, Archie and Veronica. I enjoyed the goofy hijinks the “gang” got up to. I remember prowling many an antique store in search of old Archies when I...
Bob Simpson

Bob Simpson

Who are you? I’m a Scottish immigrant from a blue collar family who pursues his passions because life is too short to do anything else. I’ve been in the Navy; travelled extensively throughout North America, Europe and Africa; taught High School;...

Welcome to the habitable community

Dear Planets, This morning I arrived at work groggy. Sometimes that happens here on this planet when we Earthlings don’t get out caffeinated fix in the morning. As I propped open this morning’s newspaper, I saw a small blurb about your discovery. According...

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