by Kurt Heinrich | Mar 4, 2011 | 1000 Community Stories
You ever read Archie comics when you were little? Me too. I loved the whole love triangle thing between Betty, Archie and Veronica. I enjoyed the goofy hijinks the “gang” got up to. I remember prowling many an antique store in search of old Archies when I...
by Kurt Heinrich | Feb 20, 2011 | 100 Community Builders
Who are you? I’m a Scottish immigrant from a blue collar family who pursues his passions because life is too short to do anything else. I’ve been in the Navy; travelled extensively throughout North America, Europe and Africa; taught High School;...
by Kurt Heinrich | Feb 3, 2011 | 1000 Community Stories
Dear Planets, This morning I arrived at work groggy. Sometimes that happens here on this planet when we Earthlings don’t get out caffeinated fix in the morning. As I propped open this morning’s newspaper, I saw a small blurb about your discovery. According...
by Kurt Heinrich | Jan 27, 2011 | 1000 Community Stories
Art, live performance and theatre are essential to any sort of vibrant and cultured city. Sometimes art can be stuffy, populated by wealthy people mingling over canapes and wine as they take in the latest abstract work of art on show at the Vancouver Art Gallery....
by Kurt Heinrich | Jan 24, 2011 | 1000 Community Stories, Business & Entrepreneurship
In the US, the crime rate is down. Significantly. While crime had once soared sharply in the late 1960s and early 1970s (does anyone remember the days of the “crack epidemic”), it has since declined steeply since 1993. The marked change in a trend that has...