by potential | Aug 19, 2020 | Business & Entrepreneurship, Learning & Thinking
I remember it vividly. Mexico City, late January, sitting in an Uber in the front seat, while my MBA classmates were chattering away in the back. I’m sure they were talking about something interesting – my cohort has become my most treasured network – but...
by potential | Jun 10, 2020 | Futureproof Kids, Have Better Conversations, Leadership
Sometimes I see an event occur and I marvel at the humanity of people. Other times, I see events occur and I wonder, where is our humanity? The last couple of weeks have been more of the latter. It has been a very difficult time, internalizing and processing all the...
by potential | Apr 22, 2020 | Adaptability
Businesses everywhere continue to evolve their operations in response to measures for stemming the spread of COVID-19. In some instances, businesses are strategically redeploying employees temporarily to business units that can be better leveraged in states of...
by potential | Feb 6, 2019 | Adaptability, Campus Career Centre 3.0
I’ve been thinking a lot about water recently. My Vancouver friends won’t find this surprising given the time of year – it rains a lot in Vancouver in January and this year has been far from an anomaly. And despite my growing enmity for the rain,...
by potential | Nov 28, 2018 | Learning & Thinking
Over the past few months, I’ve seen a real increase in counter offers. Given that unemployment rates in BC are at historic lows, particularly within the Vancouver tech sector, it is no surprise that counter offers are on the rise. Now, you might be thinking, what’s a...