Emergency Warnings: how much is too much?

Emergency Warnings: how much is too much?

A bit over a year ago, Potentiality correspondent Katie Burns wrote a great post about the rise of resilience planning in emergency management, focussing on some great work being done in Australian cities. I remember reading it and feeling pretty stoked to be part of...

Quebec’s political scene upside down

Last spring, I wrote a post on the Potentiality following the federal elections, trying to explain Quebec’s unexpected vote for the NDP. I thought a conservative majority could help sovereignist parties, such as the PQ, so far it has not been the case. Since then,...

How to NOT Look Like an Idiot

We all have those moments where we rush into a situation too quickly or are overzealous in making a good impression. Particularly in cyberspace, ease of access has given us unprecedented opportunity to act without thinking, and bad decisions can plague us. When...

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