Vote for Community, Provincial Edition

Ontario is on the cusp of a provincial election.  It is one of a number of provincial and territorial elections that will be happening before the end of 2011, including Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, British Columbia, Yukon, and Northwest...

Ghostly Gastown – it’s The Thing!!!

“So, how do we know who’s human? If I was an imitation, a perfect imitation, how would you know it was really me?” Keith David in The Thing As if possessed by some dark malevolence, hordes of otherwise well-adjusted young citizens, danced around the blazing...

Love, Equality and a Small Island

There’s a little place right down the bottom of Australia called Tasmania. It’s the tiny island that everyone always forgets about when they draw a map of Australia, and it’s the state that Australians love to publicly ridicule for being a little bit backwards when it...

Need a Penny, Take a Penny…Please

Demonization.  What a word.  When I read it first I thought it was some kind of exorcism term.  But after perusing the Currency Act of Canada (did you know we had an Act about currency?  Bet you didn’t.) and some of its associated literature I became quite familiar...

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