by potential | Apr 11, 2018 | Leadership, Pop Culture Career Advice
We’re a fickle, precious bunch here in Vancouver. We consistently rank amongst the best places in the world to live, yet we never run out of reasons to point out what needs fixing. We’re thankful not to have a highway pummeling through the city but we hate the endless...
by potential | Mar 1, 2017 | Co-operative Leadership, Creativity
At 33, I found myself filled with anger, sadness and fear. I knew I needed a change. So, when I turned 34 last month, resolving made a commitment to embrace love, peace, and purpose. I learned how to enhance personal well-being through acts of kindness. Well-being and...
by potential | Sep 10, 2014 | Leadership, Pop Culture Career Advice
In his book, An Astronaut’s Guide to Life, Commander Chris Hadfield, weaves relevant suggestions for leaders through the story of his life journey as an astronaut. While some of these lessons are pretty obvious, others fly in the face of advice of renowned self-help...
by potential | Apr 9, 2014 | Leadership
Let’s say you want to find some leaders to learn from, so you jump online and Google ‘great leaders’. The first result is images of Ghandi, Steve Jobs, Martin Luther King Jr. and Abraham Lincoln. So hey, no pressure, but if you want to be a great leader, apparently...
by potential | Jan 15, 2014 | Communication
Consumers, not producers, dictate their media diet these days, which means that consumption of your product or message must be the consumer’s choice. The key to ensuring that they choose your product or listen to your message is to build a genuine relationship with...