by potential | Feb 8, 2011 | 1000 Community Stories
Accessing a community is much like hacking into a bank’s computer system. It either takes a code, mad esoteric nerd skills, or time. When you don’t know the computer’s language, just add one power of magnitude to the difficulty of access. As written in a previous...
by potential | Feb 2, 2011 | 1000 Community Stories
Natural Disasters and Building Community As I’m writing, communities in northern Queensland, Australia, are waiting for the onslaught of what is predicted to be Australia’s most severe cyclone. This afternoon, authorities upgraded the cyclone to a category five,...
by potential | Feb 1, 2011 | 1000 Community Stories
It looks like Toronto is set for winter to end early. As this is being posted the worst snowstorm for a couple years has started and is expected to continue through to tomorrow bringing about a foot of snow. Any unfortunate groundhog that is dragged from hibernation...
by potential | Jan 28, 2011 | 1000 Community Stories
Early 20th century American novelist Thomas Wolfe famously wrote, “you can never go home again.” He was talking about the change in yourself and your birthplace through the passage of time and never being able to recapture what you’d romanticized in your mind as you...
by potential | Jan 26, 2011 | 1000 Community Stories
The idea was launched in 2007 by newly elected President of Ecuador, Rafael Correa. His government proposes to give up economical benefits that would engender the exploitation of vast oil fields situated in the Ecuadorian Amazon. To do so, he hopes northern countries,...