Here We Go A Waffling

Here We Go A Waffling

waf·fle 1 (wfl)n.A light crisp battercake baked in a waffle iron. waf·fle 2  (wfl) Informalv. waf·fled, waf·fling, waf· – To speak, write, or act evasively about. Something strange happens as you walk along Robson St approaching Denman in downtown...

Laneway Learning: crowdsourcing education

Ever wondered who invented the roller coaster, or more importantly, why on earth they thought it would be a good idea? Or maybe you’re living with a secret longing to learn the ukulele, but you’ve never had the time to learn how to play anything but a slightly...
Make Me Feel Important

Make Me Feel Important

A good friend recently had her second child and instead of a baby shower, she had a small gathering where guests shared stories and our wishes for her journey through birth and into becoming a mother of two children.  It was refreshing to be a part of an intentional...

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