by John Horn | Feb 22, 2017 | Adaptability, Business & Entrepreneurship, Campus Career Centre 3.0
The gig economy is where hundreds of millions of people around the world are making their living. Folks from Bangalore to Berlin to Burnaby are working as part-time consultants, contractors, designers, and temporary adders of value with countless other titles. The gig...
by Kurt Heinrich | Feb 15, 2017 | Business & Entrepreneurship, Campus Career Centre 3.0, Learning & Thinking
Many positions and new job opportunities are internal. According to Time Magazine, an increasing number of companies are looking internally first to fill their talent gaps. Organizations like to foster leadership from within where possible. It’s great for...
by John Horn | Jan 11, 2017 | Campus Career Centre 3.0, Co-operative Leadership, Leadership
2016 will be remembered as one of the weirdest, disruptive and polarizing years in recent human history. From a Canadian perspective, we elected a government on promises of environmental and electoral progressiveness, but, much to the chagrin of many folks who voted...