Three Career Building Tips for Recent Graduates

Three Career Building Tips for Recent Graduates

Congratulations. You’ve graduated and want to start a successful career. As a recent graduate, you’re leaving the meritocracy of higher education and are about to enter a highly competitive workforce and try to build a successful career. Not only does Canada yield one...
Three Professional Lessons from Being a New Dad

Three Professional Lessons from Being a New Dad

Here are three professional lessons from being a new dad. I recently returned to work after nearly three weeks of amazing family time and bonding with my wife, Michelle, and first child, Miles. As the dads behind this blog, this blog and this blog will tell you, being...
How Being Positive Enhances Career Potential

How Being Positive Enhances Career Potential

When I was younger I had a negative outlook on life. I was lonely in high school and lacked friends and self-confidence. I looked around enviously at the “cool kids”.  The loneliness created bitterness, which fed negative, cynical and depressing interactions with...
7 Tips for Working in the Information Economy

7 Tips for Working in the Information Economy

Ages ago the world of work was a much simpler place. For the vast majority of people working within the industrialized and industrializing nations, the work day was divided into eight hour chunks to maintain constant progress and enable consistent efficiencies. In a...
What the Rob Ford Saga Means for Communicators

What the Rob Ford Saga Means for Communicators

As the Rob Ford saga spirals from unreal to depressing, it has made me consider my profession (communications and public relations) and just how important its central tenets are for corporate or political survival. Over the years, as I’ve worked for both a PR agency...

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