by John Horn | Aug 2, 2017 | Business & Entrepreneurship, Campus Career Centre 3.0, Leadership, Pop Culture Career Advice
Last month our team shared a summer reading list that blended awesome works of fiction and non-fiction literature. The thing about books is that they aren’t easy to consume on road trips, which is a very awesome summer past-time. For car travel or your outdoor commute...
by John Horn | Jul 5, 2017 | Have Better Conversations, Leadership
Summer time means reading time. Some folks dig into books at the beach while soaking up sunshine and others soak in literature under a blanket in a dark, air conditioned basement. Others enjoy audiobooks during long or meandering road trips. My favourite place to read...
by John Horn | Apr 26, 2017 | Campus Career Centre 3.0, Co-operative Leadership, Leadership
A few things happened last week. My wife and I watched Mad Max: Fury Road on Netflix (it’s really good) and Rachel Nuwer wrote a depressing article for the BBC Future about how Western Civilization could collapse. Facts are facts and there is a probably a slightly...
by John Horn | Feb 8, 2017 | Leadership, Pop Culture Career Advice
I love The Ringer. When Kevin O’Connor visits Chris Vernon on The Ringer NBA Show it makes my heart smile. And I was thrilled when they got into it during a recent episode about Kevin’s interview with Boston Celtics point guard Isaiah Thomas mostly because of the...
by John Horn | Jan 11, 2017 | Campus Career Centre 3.0, Co-operative Leadership, Leadership
2016 will be remembered as one of the weirdest, disruptive and polarizing years in recent human history. From a Canadian perspective, we elected a government on promises of environmental and electoral progressiveness, but, much to the chagrin of many folks who voted...
by John Horn | Jan 4, 2017 | Co-operative Leadership, Leadership
Every January our team at The Potentiality engages in our New Year’s tradition of making public commitments about how we will realize our potential. For 2017, here is how Godfrey, Michael, Kurt, and I are leveraging our talents and stretching ourselves in 2017....