by John Horn | Dec 27, 2023 | Leadership
For many of us, a new year brings opportunities for improving skills and building resilience through goal setting. We call such goals “resolutions” and human beings are notoriously bad at achieving them. In fact, over 90% of us will not follow-through on our...
by John Horn | Nov 15, 2023 | Leadership, Pop Culture Career Advice
Last Friday night Kurt and I saw Captain America: Civil War. The summer’s hottest movie taught us a lot about international diplomacy, teamwork, spandex, friendship, and ourselves, too. Here are five professional lessons from Captain America: Civil War that you can...
by John Horn | Jul 19, 2023 | Haikus, Leadership
Lake Union seawall People passing everywhere Oh look, a scooter… – A haiku about humble running by John Horn
by John Horn | May 10, 2023 | Campus Career Centre 3.0, Co-operative Leadership, Leadership
I have an awesome colleague named Lindsay and we trust each other. Something that helped us get to where we are is psychological safety. One of the ways that I know such a thing exists is because Lindsay felt comfortable telling me that my articles on this website are...
by John Horn | May 3, 2023 | Adaptability, Co-operative Leadership, Leadership
In 2018, Oxford Economist Kate Raworth introduced the world to a different sort of doughnut. This doughnut is a visual representation of a sustainable economic system that balances the needs of people and the planet. The inner ring represents the social foundation,...
by John Horn | Apr 5, 2023 | Campus Career Centre 3.0, Futureproof Kids, Have Better Conversations, Leadership
Last week I joined my fellow CERIC board members in a planning session that focused on the future of our charity, which is purposed with advancing career development in Canada. We fund and publish research, share learning and build community at our annual Cannexus...