by John Horn | Dec 29, 2021 | Co-operative Leadership, Have Better Conversations, Leadership
A new year brings opportunity for reflection and intention-setting. 2021 was one of the most disruptive years in modern memory. 2022 looks poised to get up out of its seat, look 2021 in the face, and say: “hold my beer.” Most of what the year ahead throws at us will...
by John Horn | Dec 1, 2021 | Co-operative Leadership, Leadership
Education inoculates us against disruption. As our communities endure more disruption, especially here on the West Coast of Canada, it is important for leaders to reflect on ideas, models, and frameworks of leadership that will help us help others to grow, thrive, and...
by John Horn | Nov 10, 2021 | Leadership
Amazing leaders have amazing presence. People who possess this simple, but rare quality are naturally able to put their colleagues at ease, take charge during chaos, and instill confidence when things are changing. Based on my own experiences– as well as research from...
by John Horn | Oct 6, 2021 | Leadership, Pop Culture Career Advice
The latest James Bond film, No Time to Die, will open in theatres around the world this weekend. Bond’s character has been played by seven actors in over 20 films during the last sixty years. Daniel Craig is the most recent gentleman to tackle the role of the world’s...
by John Horn | Sep 22, 2021 | Co-operative Leadership, Collaboration, Leadership
Canadians just engaged in one of the riskiest wastes of human, financial, natural, political, and social capital in modern history. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called an election with hopes of achieving a majority government; however, the country’s government looks...
by John Horn | Aug 18, 2021 | Co-operative Leadership, Futureproof Kids, Leadership
The world is burning out and burning up. As organizations strive to enable hybrid work (or work from anywhere) amidst health and climate emergencies, leaders are being asked to do a lot. A former colleague of mine, Ilene, introduced nearly every workshop and...