by Kurt Heinrich | Dec 24, 2014 | Learning & Thinking
The end of a year brings with it performance reviews and sometimes even raises. It also gives us a chance review what we said we would do at the beginning of the year. We should be pretty good at taking stock of personal and collective achievements (and failures), as...
by John Horn | Nov 26, 2014 | Learning & Thinking
Many top companies from just a few years ago no longer exist, while many are on “death watch” according to organizations like Forbes and Havas Media Group. One of the ways that an organization can increase its likelihood of being around a decade from now is to...
by John Horn | Nov 12, 2014 | Have Better Conversations, Learning & Thinking
Yesterday was Remembrance Day in Canada. It’s specifically designed for people to reflect on conflict, specifically the First World War, and make meaning of the events of 1914-1918 in the context of our lives today. While somber, I love Remembrance Day because, at its...
by Kurt Heinrich | Oct 8, 2014 | Learning & Thinking, Pop Culture Career Advice
We all have our favourite board games. The professional lessons from popular board games like Monopoly, Risk, Settlers of Catan, Clue, and Scrabble can have a powerful impact on your career. For example, while almost all board games involve chance, many also require...
by Kurt Heinrich | Sep 24, 2014 | Learning & Thinking
We’re surrounded by stimulus and many of us live in a go-go world where we’re balancing multiple commitments, demands and stresses. It can be exhausting. With this in mind, increasingly there has been a growth in the interest of “being mindful”. While many of our...
by John Horn | Sep 3, 2014 | Learning & Thinking
You’ve probably heard of how to thrive during your first 90 days at a new job. This article explores 11 ways to win your first 90 days at college or university – if it isn’t totally relevant for you I wager that it will resonate with a student in...