by John Horn | Jun 9, 2021 | Futureproof Kids, Learning & Thinking
Channeling the way we grow as people can (and should) build healthy communities that are sustainable for the long term. We all have potential and there is always potential for making the world better. Potential means possibility. It means that within every person,...
by John Horn | May 26, 2021 | Have Better Conversations, Learning & Thinking
Recently, I learned a lot about what it means to think again. First, I read Adam Grant’s latest book, Think Again, and it presented compelling arguments for thinking like a scientist. Second, I engaged in a fiasco of problem solving with my neighbours that, in my...
by John Horn | May 5, 2021 | Learning & Thinking
The ability to learn is what individuals need to build sustainable and interesting careers. The ability to create learning agility at scale is the most important talent capability for organizations across all sectors. Futurist and my personal learning agility hero,...
by John Horn | Apr 14, 2021 | Business & Entrepreneurship, Learning & Thinking
Historians explain the development of elaborate structures we call cultures – one way that they do this is by examining businesses, non-profits and other communities where work happens. Organizations are being disrupted at a rate never before experienced. Only 11% of...
by John Horn | Feb 24, 2021 | Learning & Thinking
This article is about how to ask for (and act on) feedback. Because one of the best ways for people to realize their potential is to receive and act on feedback. Unfortunately, human beings are fairly terrible at accepting praise and listening to criticism. How to Ask...
by John Horn | Dec 23, 2020 | Futureproof Kids, Have Better Conversations, Learning & Thinking
Well, it’s been a year. As 2020 winds down, many of us are united in our view that this year can go straight to hell. The global pandemic has taken nearly two million lives and disrupted countless others with unemployment, food insecurity, civil unrest, and sprawling...