by John Horn | Dec 16, 2020 | Have Better Conversations, Learning & Thinking
Generalists will lead the future of work (it’s already starting). According to pioneers of the movement, Kenneth Mikkelsen and Richard Martin, the generalist “brings together diverse people, synthesizing ideas and practices, addressing the big issues that confront us...
by John Horn | Sep 16, 2020 | Learning & Thinking
In the past being a nerd was often seen in a negative light. Nerds were bullied and were the punch line of jokes from sitcoms to locker rooms around the world. These days, though, embracing and unlocking the potential of your Inner Nerd is a very positive thing and...
by potential | Aug 19, 2020 | Business & Entrepreneurship, Learning & Thinking
I remember it vividly. Mexico City, late January, sitting in an Uber in the front seat, while my MBA classmates were chattering away in the back. I’m sure they were talking about something interesting – my cohort has become my most treasured network – but...
by Kurt Heinrich | Feb 26, 2020 | Adaptability, Learning & Thinking
Mental health and resilience (both on the job and outside of it) is an increasingly important consideration for anyone. For a long time, I didn’t give it too much consideration. As my responsibilities at work have increased and as I’ve faced challenges in my personal...
by John Horn | Jan 29, 2020 | Campus Career Centre 3.0, Learning & Thinking, Pop Culture Career Advice
Canada’s largest career development conference, Cannexus, just wrapped up in Ottawa. The past four days have seen over 1,300 delegates from across Canada and around the world share ideas and learn from each other to advance career development in service of the public...
by John Horn | Oct 9, 2019 | Business & Entrepreneurship, Learning & Thinking
According to experts, the future of work will require learning and adaptability. Organizations around the world are investing heavily in learning management systems, content platforms, design tools, and the capability of their learning teams. Making learning a key...