

Our family – like, the grandparents, cousins, aunts, and uncles – is camping in the woods of Vancouver Island. We are experiencing good food, sparkling conversation, and wonderful wilderness adventures. We might even climb a mountain and will definitely...


I have had enough of the heat wave plaguing Western North America. By this definition, I mean having too much of something, like heat, intolerance, abuse, sensationalism, or fixed mindedness. Our tolerance has been reached or exceeded when we have had enough. Every...


Channeling the way we grow as people can (and should) build healthy communities that are sustainable for the long term. We all have potential and there is always potential for making the world better. Potential means possibility. It means that within every person,...
Why We Should Strive to be Strange

Why We Should Strive to be Strange

I am not a normal person. It’s pretty awesome to be comfortable with my strangeness because, in a world of conformity, this is a differentiator. One of the best things about being a dad is noticing and experiencing how my kids’ personalities and styles are...

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