A Cite Your Sources Haiku

A Cite Your Sources Haiku

Cite sources always. Respect, intelligence, growth. Bad plagiarism. – A haiku about the pitfalls of being the VP of Strategy who didn’t credit Harrison Owen when they applied (not “invented”) Open Space Technology or the COO who takes credit...
A Carbonara Haiku

A Carbonara Haiku

All the carbonara. Hosting, connecting, friendship. Fueling the cycling. – A haiku the underscores how sharing good food with good friends builds healthy and connected communities that are sustainable for the long term
A Father Son Nature Haiku

A Father Son Nature Haiku

“The Mango Tree” So many mangos. In the wind it waves hello to the mountains below. – A haiku co-created by my youngest son and I (we went on to write, like, seven more haikus and all I can say is that writing poetry with kids is pretty fun and I...
An Accountability Haiku

An Accountability Haiku

(To) Be accountable. Culture of failing, learning. Growth, not punishment. – A haiku about how communities – companies, schools, families – cannot have a culture of accountability without first fostering a culture of learning (because if every...
An Imposter Syndrome Haiku

An Imposter Syndrome Haiku

Leaders need these things. Confidence. Humility. Imposter syndrome. – A haiku about how, with the best of intentions, blending confidence and humility can lead to imposter syndrome because interrogating our decisions and beliefs fosters curiosity and can also...

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