An Imposter Syndrome Haiku

An Imposter Syndrome Haiku

Leaders need these things. Confidence. Humility. Imposter syndrome. – A haiku about how, with the best of intentions, blending confidence and humility can lead to imposter syndrome because interrogating our decisions and beliefs fosters curiosity and can also...
A Being in Nature Haiku

A Being in Nature Haiku

Connective nature. Peaceful replenishing here.* Get outside today. – A being in nature haiku that reflects how getting outside, especially within trees and near water, improves physical and mental health. — *Take nature walks Trees solve pretty much every...
A Holiday Haiku

A Holiday Haiku

Good holiday vibes. Community together. Holiday tacos. – A holiday haiku that is meant to celebrate the vibes, cooperation, community, and food., like tacos, that make the holidays special.
A Recovery Haiku

A Recovery Haiku

Recovering slow. Torn Achilles in a boot. Having perspective. – A haiku about what it takes to be resilient when, well, we’re getting older and the body breaks down…
A Failure Haiku

A Failure Haiku

Feeling like failure. Learning happens everywhere. Failing is learning. – This is a Failure – or a failing is learning – Haiku because it’s been a tough month and I’ve learned a lot (humans always do!)

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