Who are you?

I’ve been told several times that Chatterton is an apt last name for a communications gal like me. It’s certainly true that I’m seldom short of opinions and, my friends and family would add, random trivia. That last bit is because I’m curious about the world, and I hope to stay that way until I die. Which event, I hope, is a long way off.

But I digress. Who am I? I’m a transplanted Montrealer who loves Vancouver, and a communications consultant who loves her career. I’m a devoted aunt who loves her two nieces and two nephews, and a social person who loves her family and friends. That’s a lot of love. I balance it with hating lima beans and smelly public washrooms, which aren’t too dissimilar, as far as I’m concerned.

I’m a word nerd, I like to laugh, I believe in fairness, and I try to be environmentally conscious. I’m not good at sports but I like them anyway. And I hope to leave this world a little better than I found it.

What do you do for fun?

I spend a lot of time with my family and friends and I love to travel and try new things. I’m an outdoors girl and most weekends you’ll find me on a walking trail somewhere; I also like fishing, camping, gardening and swimming. I like to cook (but find baking boring), attend events like plays or hockey games, have fun or interesting discussions, and people watch. I also love to read and am seldom without a stack of books beside my bed.

What is your favourite community and why?

Of the five places in which I’ve lived, the Lower Mainland is my favourite, for its beauty and lifestyle. But I really like my PR/communications community as well. We meet regularly through the Canadian Public Relations Society and on Twitter. They’re my kind of people, and not just because we can talk shop and learn from each other. They’re also passionate, creative, supportive, funny, interesting and not shy about interacting with people.

What is your Superpower?

I don’t think I’m wrong when I say it’s making connections. I believe I’m very good at connecting ideas and at connecting people, both with each other and with ideas. I think this ‘superpower’ makes me a pretty good strategist, which is very useful in my job.

How do you use it to build community?

I’m on the board of the Canadian Public Relations Society (Vancouver) and am therefore fortunate to meet many people in my industry. I try to connect people when I think they can help each other, and I try to be a good CPRS mentor by connecting my mentees with real-world experience, if they’re interested. I’m  also very willing to share knowledge when people approach me.

My Three Favourite Things About Deborah Chatterton Are…

1. She’s a doer. Lots of people say they’ll do things. But in my experience, an exorbinant number just never get around to doing them. That’s why when you meet someone who actually does what they say, it’s worth recognizing and appreciating. I got a first hand look at this when Deborah, myself and a number of other CPRS volunteers worked with the amazing web design studio Agentic to create a new website for the organization. Whether it was coordinating a time to meet for a strategy session, updating website copy or fixing a critical web glitch, Deborah was always there, all hands on deck. She’s definitely the type of person you want on your team. 

2. Many a helping hand. Deborah is a helper. Her involvement in her professional community, both as a board member and as a mentor is exceptional. She’s the type of person that new communications professional should track down like a heat-seeking missile. Why? Because she not only has a lot to give, but is willing to make time to give it. 

3. Kindness. Deborah has a general vibe of kindness. She’s all smiles (unless she’s trying to manage a sticky PR crisis – and then it’s all business) and has a very positive disposition! She is also a sympathetic and engaged listener. This only adds to the kindness element.

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