Happy summer to all you Gumboot readers.

As you may have noticed, are lovely posts aren’t coming quite so fast and frequently as usual. There’s a couple reasons for this:

1) It’s summer and when summer comes, people go on vacation, things slow down and the usual routines sometimes go right out the window

2) It’s wedding season. My partner and I have already attended 3 weddings with 2 more coming up soon. One of those weddings was that of fabulous Gumboot editor John Horn and wonderful Gumboot correspondent Michelle Burtynk. Can you say inter-office romance?

As a result of the marriage the happy couple are off now on their honeymoon for the next week, leaving the keys of the shop with me. While I’ll struggle to fill the shoes of our great Editor-in-Chief, I promise to do my best to continue the fine tradition established over the past year!

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