Hey there folks, here we go again. The venerable Mr John Horn asked me to write an account of what the festive season in Germany feels like. So… the Holiday season in Germany… Well right now, it’s in a bit of a weird state. Since people are really grinding to a halt (hell, even I am not working – okay just a little freelance stuff), and those who usually wouldn’t are forced to do so by the unusual onslaught of winter (the third heavy one in a row, by the way). Things are definitely slowing down.
What is also slowing down is the usual shopping marathon I still remember from years back. But that is not necessarily

Tired of Reindeers, Santas, crazy little Elves or Christmas Trees? Try Wolf-Cookies - they're good! Cookies courtesy of Headhunter Heiko.
a bad thing. And it may be different for other people. But most people I know work either freelance, or in start-ups or they have temporary contracts. So… no diamond-necklaces as Christmas-gifts. The resulting Feedback-loop: People remember what Christmas was about before turbo-capitalism. Way back, when you either really celebrated the Advent of Christ or, even before that, gathered the Clan around you for winter-solstice.

Last weekend's early Christmas-walk out in the woods near Hagen: Runen, Real Pete, Real Pete's wife Silke (from left to right, mind you...). Photo courtesy of Headhunter Heiko.
Which is what we did, last weekend. As some of you may remember, I am part of a super-awesome live-roleplay group, and since one of our buddies celebrates his birthday on December 14th, that is always a welcome excuse to celebrate Christmas one week early. Before you gotta go and appease the whole family by your presence. You know, just hang out, bring on great food, sharing stories and affection for one another over the occasional bottle of beer or mead. And the best thing: Our friend Runen lives so far out in the woods that usually, once you’re at the party, you don’t get away again at this time of the year. So: Even the designated driver may celebrate.
And this is what I wish you all: That you can ban the thoughts about “who’s got the biggest Christmas tree in his living room” or “who gets the most expensive gift” and replace them with the heart-warming knowledge that you are together with your clan, with the people you love and that everyone’s as safe and happy as they can be. An early Merry Christmas to y’all, my dear fellow Gumbooteers!
And don’t start no fights:
Merry Christmas to you too Real Pete! Germans from across the seas unite!
Very much appreciated Kurt! Never forget your rrrrrrroots! ^ ^
Rock on *Pete (real as I get)
Amazing. Absolutely fantastic! Loving that Gemanians are going back to their/your anti-Black-Friday roots of community-celebration.
You are a gentleman and a scholar, my friend. Merry Christmas!
Rock and Roll!