Jola Lekich | Awesome Human

Jola Lekich | Awesome Human

The Potentiality inspires and educates passionate community builders. And Jola Lekich enhances community potential.

One of the ways we do this is by featuring people who are doing amazing things to build community. This month, we are focusing on Jola Lekich, an awesome human being who educates and empowers global citizens at the University of British Columbia.

Recently, I exchanged emails with Jola and here’s what we talked about!

What’s your story? 

In a few workshops I’ve done in the past, we use the “I am From” poem to answer this question, so here it goes:

I am from snowy driveways and rainy sidewalks.

I am from perogies & cabbage, but don’t you forget my tuna steak ponzu.

I am from a family of Polish working class immigrants who gave up their dreams so I could fulfill mine.

I am from a love of taking photos, baking cupcakes and taking long walks down the Drive.

I am from fabulous friends, a wonderful family, a supportive husband and an ever-more curious toddler.

I am from a-ha moments and a passion for educating, facilitating and personal development.

What is your superpower?

I think of myself as a connector. Part of Malcolm Gladwell’s idea of a connector is that you have to know a lot of people. I don’t know if I know more or less people than the average person, but I do think that what you do with those people is what counts. I make an effort to get to know people and when necessary, help them when I can.

How do you use it to help people realize their potential? 

As someone who works with amazing (I don’t say this lightly) globally-focused students on a daily basis, I get to hear a lot of great ideas for different initiatives or projects that focus on making a difference in the world. My goal is to help make these initiatives a reality. I connect them with other folks on campus who might be a better resource or perhaps I say, “hey I have a friend who works in journalism, mining, fundraising, etc., I’ll talk to him/her, maybe they can give you some leads”.

I also am a big believer in the power of collaboration.  Through the power of collective action, I’ve seen a small fundraiser turn into a university-wide initiative that brought together staff, faculty and community members. By making an effort to take the time to ask people about what they are working on and connecting them to others who might be interested in the same topic/initiative, you really can become a catalyst for change.

My Three Favourite Things About Jola Are…

1. Community Animation.

It was from Jola that I learned all about the fascinating practice of Community Animation, whereby people leverage existing networks, channels and spaces to build, grow and animate a sense of community. This approach to community-building combines collaboration, enthusiasm and being egoless and I think that Jola embodies these traits perfectly.

2. Worldliness.

On a daily basis, Jola helps global citizens at UBC define and realize their potential. She has a knack for understanding – like really understanding – a person’s story and is skilled at connecting places, resources and people in a way that aligns interests, style and challenges to get the best out of experiences. My theory is that this skill makes her a wonderful poet, too.

3. Lifelong Learning.

Whether she is building a LinkedIn group for international students, inventing a new way for people to use a physical space, baking cupcakes, or raising a child, Jola is always learning. She’s right to say that she works with amazing students who present her with hundreds of great ideas every year. And it is with humility, creativity and fun that Jola leverages her intelligence and experience to bring her community’s ideas to life.


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