Editor’s Note: This profile was done over beers at Vancouver’s Alibi Room. Anything inaccurate is entirely Gumboot Editor Kurt Heinrich’s fault!

Who are you?

Mike Worth. Software Developer for ATIMI, a local Vancouver company.

What do you do for fun?

I love to spend time with my son, play the guitar, listen to interesting music and read about the latest tech gadgets.

What is your favorite community?

Oh boy. That’s hard to say. I’m a cinephine and love movies. I love BBQ and how tasty sauce and dry roasted ribs binds together enthusiasts from across the province. I’m just as crazy about the craft brewery scene and the wide range of adherents. I love to partake in all of these things with my friends and family.  I guess you could say that I am a man of a dozen communities.

What’s your superpower?

The super power that pops into my mind is my super-pallet for identifying the best BBQ and craft beer around. It’s a tough job, but someone’s gotta do it.

How do you use it to build community?

By taking one for the team and exploring the best that various communities have to offer (as aided and abetted by my super BBQ pallet) I’m able to share with my close family and friends a tasty home-style (cornbread, ribs, pulled pork, brisket, coleslaw, roasted chicken) culinary experience. It’s wonderful to take something that’s near and dear to one’s heart and to share it with one’s loved ones who may never have experienced it before.

My three favorite things about Mike Worth are:

1. His drive to find the best in all of his diversity of interests. Mike isn’t one to shrug his shoulders and settle for something that’s just “ok”. He wants to find the best the world (or at least the region) has to offer. Because he’s programmed to track down the best types of beer, music, BBQ, etc. his friends and family also reap significant benefits. That might be exposure to new songs (ie. Jonsi and Sigur Ros), phenomenal BBQ (best BBQ pork ribs in Whistler) and or new tech know-how (not sure how to properly pimp out your android phone? Ask Mike).

2. His devotion to his son. Mike’s always looking out for his young son. He’s always thinking of him. He’s proud of him and you can see the love and complete and utter commitment burned into his face whenever his son is nearby. Talk about a lucky kid (and a lucky dad!)

3. You’ll always learn something new about beer. Each time I spend an afternoon or evening with Mike, I learn about a new craft brewery. Maybe it’s Deschutes Brewery. Maybe it’s Rogue Brewery. Maybe its some random small craft brewery based in Fort St. John that you’ve never heard of. The best part of it all is with Mike, you don’t just learn about the beer, you also get to sample some of the best tasting brews in the Pacific Northwest. Over and over again…

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