A Bomb Cyclone Haiku

Bomb cyclone is here. Wisdom of trees; perspective. Catastrophizing. - A haiku about how weather these days has different, scarier names than it used to; if this is catastrophizing, I hope it is effective...
Learning Styles Do Not Exist

Learning Styles Do Not Exist

Learning styles do not exist. Given that many educators and students have long believed in the concept of learning styles, this probably feels like a bold statement. The idea that individuals have fixed preferences for how they absorb information - you might be a...

Four Holiday Gift Ideas from The Potentiality Team

Four Holiday Gift Ideas from The Potentiality Team

Every year our team shares gift ideas for the holiday season that will enhance your personal potential and support your journey of building healthy communities at home, at work, at school, and in your neighbourhood. Kurt, Mike, Godfrey, and I embrace the values of...

Beware – the danger of the “counter offer”

Beware – the danger of the “counter offer”

Over the past few months, I’ve seen a real increase in counter offers. Given that unemployment rates in BC are at historic lows, particularly within the Vancouver tech sector, it is no surprise that counter offers are on the rise. Now, you might be thinking, what’s a...

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