A Bomb Cyclone Haiku

Bomb cyclone is here. Wisdom of trees; perspective. Catastrophizing. - A haiku about how weather these days has different, scarier names than it used to; if this is catastrophizing, I hope it is effective...
Egg Salad Sandwiches

Egg Salad Sandwiches

Last week Michelle, my lovely wife who is her own person, and I signed our revised wills and power of attorney documents. Life maintenance and adulting are important, after all. The phrase "serve egg salad sandwiches" is in my will. It's in reference to what I'd like...



Being a prosocial human means acting in the best interest of our communities because serving the public good is more important than advancing our own agenda. Cooperative economist Stefano Zamagni argues that seeking to help the world is an emerging worklife practice:...

Five Career Lessons from Agile Management

Five Career Lessons from Agile Management

Agile methodology is a business practice that encourages collaboration and empowers people to make decisions as close to customers/members as possible in order to continuously improve the planning and delivery of a project. Last week I listened to this HBR IdeaCast...

Three Reasons Why You Should Cultivate Grit

Three Reasons Why You Should Cultivate Grit

Having grit means being in possession of courage, strength and resolve – it means having passion and perseverance for very long term goals. Literary and cinematic characters that are known for their grit are persistent, resilient and thrive during uncertain times....

Three Ways to Foster Generosity in Kids

Three Ways to Foster Generosity in Kids

Generosity and kindness are important qualities that all parents strive to instill in children. Being incredibly generous will make you a better leader and more successful in work and life. Cultivating these habits at an early age is a very straightforward process....

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