The Community Building Potential of … Malls?!

There we were, skipping and laughing ironically through Kitchener-Waterloo’s largest mall. My grad school roommate and current awesome friend, Jim, and I were hilariously lampooning the community building potential of malls by drawing a clear counterpoint to how they...
Total Football and Generalism

Total Football and Generalism

I’m reading Tribal by Michael Morris (it’s good) and the book begins with an analysis for “Total Football”. In the 1970s, the Dutch national soccer team transformed the sport with a philosophy where any outfield player could seamlessly assume the role of another on...

Five Tips for Bouncing Back from Obi-Wan Kenobi

Five Tips for Bouncing Back from Obi-Wan Kenobi

Resilience is measured by how we recover from setbacks, as opposed to how well we endure tough times in the moment. Obi-Wan Kenobi knows a thing or two about bouncing back from a bad day, which fans observed and opined throughout the semi-divisive Disney series. We...

From and With Each Other

From and With Each Other

Learning from and with each other happens everywhere and all the time in agile learning organizations. Microlearning happens when content is delivered in bite-sized (3-5 minutes) bursts at the point of learning need. Learning in the flow of work happens when learning...

A Cite Your Sources Haiku

A Cite Your Sources Haiku

Cite sources always. Respect, intelligence, growth. Bad plagiarism. - A haiku about the pitfalls of being the VP of Strategy who didn't credit Harrison Owen when they applied (not "invented") Open Space Technology or the COO who takes credit for Toyota's "five whys"...

A Carbonara Haiku

A Carbonara Haiku

All the carbonara. Hosting, connecting, friendship. Fueling the cycling. - A haiku the underscores how sharing good food with good friends builds healthy and connected communities that are sustainable for the long term

A Father Son Nature Haiku

A Father Son Nature Haiku

"The Mango Tree" So many mangos. In the wind it waves hello to the mountains below. - A haiku co-created by my youngest son and I (we went on to write, like, seven more haikus and all I can say is that writing poetry with kids is pretty fun and I highly recommend it...

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