How to Spread Kindness in Your Community

Many years ago I presented at the University of British Columbia's Student Leadership Conference (it's one of the largest conferences in North America). I focused on straightforward tips on how to spread kindness in your community at school, at work and at home. How...
Back to School Tips for All Ages

Back to School Tips for All Ages

Little tykes, kids, young adults, adults, and grad students are all heading back to school next week. Learning – and being able to thrive in educational environments – is perhaps the greatest reflection of human achievement. Our team at The Potentiality is thrilled to...

Say No to Meetings

Say No to Meetings

That have no agenda. That are not organized. When you have no control over the outcome, content, and/or dialogue. That overlap with existing commitments. When you know they will suck your energy and wellbeing. That have the phrase "pick your brain" in the invite. When...

Star Wars vs. Harry Potter

Star Wars vs. Harry Potter

Over the last week, my oldest son - he will be referred to as "The Oldest Boy" - has been fascinated by the age-old question of who would win in a battle between Star Wars vs. Harry Potter. Not only has exploring, and debating, this question generated super-fun family...

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