Who are you?

I’m Phil Skipper. AKA Hashbrown. AKA Skip. AKA Skipper.

What do you do for fun?

I like drawing and studying and I like doing nothing a lot. Sometimes I cycle and I also like hiking. I like reading too.

What’s your favourite community and why?

I like the City of Vancouver as a whole. But that excludes suburbs. I’m kind of an elitist that way.  Reason I like the city on a whole is I find most people tend to be on the same page. Even though we might not know each other, we all have particular appreciation of what we have got here in the city. The people who live here know the rules. We know not to throw garbage out our car window, that cycling is cool and that layering up is the best way to beat month after month of rain. We get just how special Vancouver is. While we might not have the same idea of how we want to see our city in 10-15 years, most people are want to be a part of making it that much better. The paths to get there may differ, but the goal tends to be largely the same.

What’s your super power?

Inertia – the ability to conserve energy by doing nothing. It’s a very environmentally friendly super power.

How do you use your super power to build community?

By doing less, I’m much easier going. I’ve found that when you’re generally easy going, community tends to build around you. Sometimes less is more.

My Three Favourite Things About Phil Skipper Are…

1. Reliable Chaos. Despite the inertia Phil says he’s got, this is a guy who’ll cycle across town to make an appointment. He’s committed to his friends and community and when he says he’ll be somewhere (even though you’re pretty sure he’s forgotten part way through the week) he somehow manages to make it there on time with a big hug and a happy disposition. While Phil sometimes seems disorganized, the chaos is deceiving.

2. He’s got your back  – with a smile on his face. You’re being jumped by a posse of drunk thugs on Commercial drive who pile out of a battered white van at 12 PM after running a red light. Your with three young women, a baby and two guys. The thugs are angry and looking for a fight. Phil Skipper clutches his bike lock and gets ready to start swinging.


You’ve had a tough fight with your folks or friends and are feeling frustrated and need a sympathetic ear. Phil Skipper’s ear (always sympathetic) is there for you. He smiles, enthusiastically engages and weaves in pearls of wisdom while making you chuckle with thoughtful jokes. He sips a Granville Island coffee that from a mug he fishes from his tiny backpack that seems to contain everything essential to survive a month far from civilization (ecology book, snacks, rain jacket, lighter, spare socks, headlamp, etc). He makes you feel connected and supported.

3. Teacher extraordinaire. This guy is one of the best teachers I’ve ever seen. Be it with the dozens of foreign students he teaches and tutors everyday, or a group of random neighbourhood historical enthusiasts (see Phil’s amazing Jane’s Walk tour of Mt. Pleasant) or his terrific ghost tours (author’s note – I haven’t yet had the pleasure of experiencing these but I’ve heard rave reviews about them) in Gastown, this is a man that’s able to harness the power or edutainment and use it for historical good.

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