Who are you?

Stewartworks is an architecture student, supermodernist critic and community investigator.

What do you do for fun?

Investigate architectural communities by bicycle, spend many hours designing projects that will most likely never be bulit, bake occasionally delicious treats, attempt to become increasingly climate-secure through DIY projects like jam and blackberry picking

What is your favourite community and why?

Community is the feeling of general well-being that can be achieved in many situations.  It can come from a store clerk’s smile or the collective sigh of a music festival audience as a space shuttle passes overhead, twinkling dimly.

What is your superpower?

The courage to say the wrong thing at the wrong time and own up to it.

How do you use this power to build community?

Honesty, tempered by attention to detail, must be fundamental to community development.

My Three Favourite Things about Stew Are…

1. Creativity. This word/term/idea is thrown around a lot in our hyper-innovative society, but Stewart takes the concept to amazing new levels. He builds things. Draws things. Creates exceptionally fertile grounds for discussions and thought-sharing. Hey, he even stores compost in his freezer with very, very, very creative results. I absolutely love spending hours talking with Stew, because I always learn something new about life, the universe and everything.

2. Directness. Straight. To the point. Razor sharp. Poignant. Slightly edgy. Personally, I appreciate straight-shooting and feel that all-too-often people sugar-coat and glove-wear when delivering difficult information. I like how Stew

3. Stylish, Tight Clothing. French hipster architect artist poet professional recycler revolutionary soccer player gardener jam makers wish they looked as good as Stew looks, baby. Mostly, as a creator and wearer of hilarious t-shirts, I am inspired by Stew’s collection of simply fantastic – and thoughtful – attire.

SPECIAL BONUS REASON: Nose-solidarity! Few close friends can sympathize with what it means and what it feels like to have a beak. Stew can. And, I think, we’re both better people because we have each other. And our noses.

As told by John Horn…

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