Need a Penny, Take a Penny…Please

Demonization.  What a word.  When I read it first I thought it was some kind of exorcism term.  But after perusing the Currency Act of Canada (did you know we had an Act about currency?  Bet you didn’t.) and some of its associated literature I became quite familiar...

Community on a European Vacation

As it turns out, the recipe for Community is very simple; Singing in public, beer, and a little dash of wild animal. Surprisingly, I am not talking about drunken nights of karaoke (exclusively). I recently spent 6 weeks studying in Copenhagen, Denmark and followed...

Men Saying Hello: Canadian Male Greetings

I’ve never tipped my hat to another man walking down the street.  It’s not that they didn’t deserve the salutation, but I would have looked like a damn dufus had I done it.  Or perhaps it’s just not quite with the times (like the word dufus). With my friends, I hug...

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