Alison Atkinson

Alison Atkinson

Who are you? I’m a reader, a writer, a Vancouver lifer, a pretty good veggie cook, a yogi, and depending on the day and season, a whole lot of other things. By day, I work as a high school English teacher. This year, I have grade tens and elevens. We’re...
Travellers: Consider Yourself Labeled

Travellers: Consider Yourself Labeled

Labels are bad. But then again, we love them. Oh, do we ever love them. Without labels we couldn’t classify things and fit them into the hierarchy. Everything has a stepped grading system of better and worse. How else would we know how to value things? Hmm? And don’t...
Strength in Community

Strength in Community

Sometime back in Classical Greece someone carved “know thyself” on my least favourite god, Apollo’s, temple at Delphi. No one really knows who wrote it, but a quick twitblog of the interscape will tell you that Socrates (or maybe Plato) took credit...

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