Thriving in an Employer’s Market

As it turns out, the recession is effecting the global economy, which, consequently, is negatively impacting the Canadian economy. Shocking, I know. And you heard it here first, from The Potentiality. “What’s that? Oh, everyone already knows this? Um,...
Margaret Hanson

Margaret Hanson

Who are you? Margaret Hanson – Graphic Design Victoria: What do you do for fun? Print stuff, finish projects and get paid. What is your favourite community and why? My community of happy clients, because they do the marketing...
Strength in Community

Strength in Community

Sometime back in Classical Greece someone carved “know thyself” on my least favourite god, Apollo’s, temple at Delphi. No one really knows who wrote it, but a quick twitblog of the interscape will tell you that Socrates (or maybe Plato) took credit...
Kevin Quinlan

Kevin Quinlan

Kevin Quinlan is Gregor Robertson’s Executive Assistant – aka Press Secretary to the Mayor – which (fun fact alert!!!) is the same position that Gordon Campbell held when he got started in politics. Does this mean that Kevin will be Premier of BC one...

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