Most of us “pinkos” are familiar with Fox News, American conservative talk radio and all the angry boomers that comprise the Tea Party movement. In fact, these days, it’s hard to not see their revolutionary impact splattered across the television screen or newspaper. With the recent scare of “Fox News North” heralded in by none other than Kory Teneycke (who resigned, then un-resigned), Stephen Harper’s own right wing communicator-extraordinaire, it seems apparent that many of the angry right-wing political winds may soon be blowing North.

The omens of right wing apocalypse are foreboding. A 2006 article in USA Today, paints a picture of a juggernaut:

In just 10 years, Fox News — the channel liberals love to hate — has transformed the cable news landscape with its in-your-face brand of news with ‘tude. In the process, it has reduced granddaddy CNN to a distant second and NBC’s cable news venture, MSNBC, to an also-ran. Fox News’ combative Bill O’Reilly has become a household name, drawing more than 2 million viewers a night. Sean Hannity, Shepard Smith and Greta Van Susteren are cable news stars. On-air barbs by them and Fox News correspondents have ignited debates in journalism circles about whether objective news can stay relevant, particularly in an Internet era that gives ordinary Americans the power to vent about anything in blogs.

Right wing talk radio and cable TV have long been the preserve of old, white men. Boomers one could say. One thing that’s often forgotten though is that although Boomers are powerful are also, slowly but surely, getting older. As they age and pass away, it can be expected that a growing number of their generation will no longer be able to:

a) be politically active (marching to Washington to fight Obamacare) at the bidding of people like Glen Beck

b) watch and listen to right wing TV and talk radio

and most importantly

c) purchase the luxury products advertised on said radio and TV

As with any generation, their turn at the precipice of consumer culture (in the prime economic time of the their life) will soon end. This will likely make them far less attractive to advertisers then they once were. While they may still be voting in droves, they won’t be buying the SUVs in droves.

When you are unattractive to advertisers, you will quickly fall off the “target audience list” of your friendly media executive. Once that happens, say goodbye to the prime-time domination of the airwaves of your favorite shows.

In the end, if demographic projections hold true, it’s possible that the hyper-partisan vitriol made nationally famous by people like Rush Limbaugh or Glen Beck  may soon also be heading into retirement. That is unless they can turn their angry vitriol and target it at a younger and more ethnically diverse audience. Somehow though it seems unlikely that hyper right wing and often xenophobic hosts of many of these programs will be able to co-opt their message to resonate with millions of Hispanic, black and other immigrant audiences.

The times are a changing and let’s hope so to will the political/media climate of the USA.

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