Last night, I went to a play at Richmond’s Gateway Theatre called Oliver Handelschmidst’s Weird and Wonderful Circus. My 10 year old cousin-in-law was in the play, and did a wonderful job (go Quinn!). After a nerve-wracking ten minutes in which I did not know that his character was supposed to be stuttering, my husband John and I sat back and enjoyed watching 5-13 year olds dance, sing and act. I was genuinely entertained and impressed with the kids’ performance (arm-wrestling with jaguars? Lobster dances? Tired kid detectives on a kidnapping case taking a kid-nap? HST-jabs for the older folk in the audience? What’s not to love?), and it got me thinking about drama – why and how is it important to our society? What role does it play in building community?

Drama - a solid alternative for us non-sporty folk!

As a kid, I wasn’t very sporty – don’t get me wrong, I tried. I was put in baseball and gymnastics, played on the volleyball team in junior high … I just wasn’t very good. And I didn’t really like it. You know that kid who drew with a stick in the ground way out in left field? Yeah, that was me. My clumsiness automatically turned me off gymnastics (not being able to balance, let alone walk, on the balance beam is quite a frustrating experience). And full disclosure – I only played on the volleyball team because my best friend had signed me up and told me I would get in trouble if I didn’t play (and as a bit of a nerd, I definitely didn’t want to get in trouble). Which brings me to drama – more generally, the arts. Thank-goodness for arts programs in schools (pay attention, government officials who feel it’s a good idea to cut funding for school arts programs). I certainly found my niche – my community, if you will, in my writing, arts, and photography classes. It’s a great feeling to fit in, and to find something that you like doing and are actually good at.

Of course, drama and theatre also help to foster creativity and broaden imagination (one character was a pickle in the play, folks – a pickle), improve cognitive skills like memory and attention, and teaches life-long skills like public speaking ability and improvisation. It encourages perspective-taking, which we all know is a crucial skill all individuals, communities, and world-leaders should possess in order to empathize and see from others’ point of view (how do you think North Korea would be different if Kim Jong ll had the opportunity to take a drama class?). And as evidenced by the play last night, it can capture the best of what a multicultural country like Canada should be – kids of all different ethnic backgrounds came together to sing and dance the following message to the audience: Although the children in Oliver Handelschmidst’s famous circus come from around the world and dreamed of one day having a family, they come to realize that they are, in fact, each other’s family. As one character (it may have been the Pickle, or perhaps the horn-less unicorns, or my favorite character P-Paya) astutely observes (sings), you aren’t always born with a family, but that doesn’t mean you won’t find your family in the community you wind up in.

Congrats to the kids in the Gateway Academy for the Performing Arts program for an amazing show!

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