Who are you?

Wow – hard one right off the bat! I am an old soul, passionate about nature, sustainability, green design, Crossfit and out of this world gelato or homemade cookies! I wear my heart on my sleeve which can be a hinderance but most often I’m told is one of my most endearing traits. I am a world traveller and I follow my heart which has so far taken me to live in Mexico, Sweden and most recently Australia. I believe life is too short to be doing things you don’t love.

What do you do for fun?

On top of doing things that keep me in shape like Crossfit or running, I like exploring new places/traveling, hanging out with good friends, and being outside walking, biking or camping etc.  I also really enjoy salsa and tango -although I’m not very good at either….All the  more reason to get out and practice more! I have recently found the website: damnyouautocorrect.com gives me a lot of comic relief! I like to laugh.

What is your favourite community? Why?

My favorite community is my Master’s degree alumni group – they are affectionately referred to as the ‘Swedish Mafia’ because we are now over 300 strong and have dispersed all over the globe and are doing some amazing things in sustainability. They keep me connected to other areas of sustainability I wouldn’t get exposure to and I hope that I do the same for them!

What is your Superpower?

I’m really good at synthesizing lots of information and translating it into easy to understand language. I also make really good waffles and gluten free pancakes!

How do you use it to build community?

I really enjoy social media and spend a lot of time looking for information that will be of value to my community.  I have been known to organize breakfast parties where I can woo everyone with my culinary skills.  There is something special about having good conversations over breakfast that do amazing things to build community and strong bonds!

My Three Favourite Things About Tracy Are…

1. Her Book Launch! This is a timely GTKYC, folks. Tracy’s book – Your Green Family Blueprint – hits the bookshelves this week. On February 2, I was lucky enough to get a sneak peak of the book when my sustainability class eaxmined transportation, toxins, food, and lifestyle through the lens of a green family. I’ve seen a lot of people tackle “green” in myriad ways; making an environmental impact within the family is so powerfully simple and I hope that people reading this take a minute to examine their family’s environmental blueprint.

2. Powerful Public Speaker. Tracy started her presentation with the way every good presentation starts: with a story about a cariboo in the arctic. The engaging narrative set the stage for a dynamic presentation that Tracy masterfully facilitated, weaving humour, ideas, facts, data, and a passionate sense of urgency into the talk.

3. Unrelenting Passion. Tracy really, really, really, really cares about what she does. From greening families to gluten-free pancakes you can feel her energy. And it makes the people she talks to care about Environmentally Friendly Families, too. She is an uncontainable force of intelligent positivity that I feel lucky to have connected with. And you will too when you see her speak and/or read her words.

As told by John Horn…

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