I have had enough of the heat wave plaguing Western North America. By this definition, I mean having too much of something, like heat, intolerance, abuse, sensationalism, or fixed mindedness. Our tolerance has been reached or exceeded when we have had enough.

Every citizen of Earth deserves to have the right amount of food, water, shelter, education, money, friends, and health care. Especially since, according to the OECD, there is ample of everything for everyone. Climate and social justice will be more likely to achieve when everyone has enough.

Ian Glassford, a Canadian Cooperator, popularized the idea of building sufficiency into our business models as a counterpoint to extractive capitalism that drives bonkers-level profits for shareholders.

How will we know when our work life is adequate? What is the right status, prestige, safety, and/or subsistence for us? Do we have too much stuff? What about money? How does minimalism affect our stuff, savings, and space? What are we willing to give up so that others can have more? What might we need in order for things to be ample or adequate? How can we ask for it?

My hope is that, soon, a critical mass of folks will have had enough with our current, inequitable deal.

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