Who are you?

Kendra Reddy. Passionate about empowering and motivating myself and others to own and be proud of who we are, while continuing to challenge and stretch ourselves (and each other) to grow and learn – both personally and professionally. I am driving my own existence and I am always looking for opportunities to help others drive theirs. I believe that everything we ever want in life is just outside of our comfort zones. Let’s go for it!

I am a career consultant who has a lot to say about a lot of things, including talent and career management, attraction, engagement, and retention strategies, social media, and personal branding. I am an advocate for Gen X & Y, and am missing the gene that says “thou shalt dread public speaking”. Pass me my soapbox and microphone please.

I believe in authenticity, action, integrity, and trust. I try to be an all around good person who lives by the Platinum Rule: treat


others as they want to be treated. I have a bit of a looney-bird sense of humour, and if anyone is going to crack a one-liner or laugh out loud (and loudly)…it’s probably me. *insert big grin here*

What do you do for fun?

Right now, I am training to run my first half marathon. Believe it or not, learning to run 21 km is actually fun. Honestly.

I love to throw parties, feed people, and introduce good people to good people. I love the culture and buzz of big cities and I try to spend as much time as possible in NYC (I’m running my half marathon there). I rollerskate and bike ride, and am always on the hunt for a good music remix or re-edit. The other joy in my life is taking my mini-da


schund to the park to watch him chase squirrels. Have you ever seen a wiener dog run? Hilarious.

What is your favourite community and why?

My neighbourhood is the St.Lawrence Market area in Toronto and I love it because it is a shining example of a blended society. It combines all incomes, ages, family units, ethnicities, and pets together seamlessly without judgment or division. Everyone takes pride in our community and treats each other with respect and courtesy. On one block you will see co-op housing next to a high end furniture store, next to a neighbourhood pub, next to a community centre that the entire community uses. True diversity.

What is your superpower?

My superpower is linguistics (aka The Gift of Gab). I also have the ability to move and multi-task incredibly fast.

How do you use it to build community?

I help people by facilitating conversation and giving others the language and confidence they need to connect with others. Whether it’s helping people understand how to articulate who they are, what they do best, what they want to do next, or more of; I enjoy seeing people become comfortable sharing their “stories” with each other and building genuine relationships on all levels.

My quick thinking and acting nature allows me to help people create a strategy and then execute it. In plain English this translates into “set ‘em up, and knock ‘em down”.  A vision without a plan can turn into an hallucination, and a plan without action can turn into paralysis. I try to use my energy, enthusiasm, and penchant for checking of boxes to help others achieve the results they aim for.

My Three Favourite Things about Kendra are…

1. Gift of the Gab. Not only is Kendra a talker, but she’s a great talker. And, being a talker myself, it was incredibly easy to find an immediate connection with this masterful storyteller.

2. Polite Persistence. This is a necessary skill in the world of business and, especially, consulting. I can tell that Kendra is a woman who gets what she wants because she possesses the unique combination of unflappable kindness and confident assertiveness. People just want to be a part of her world.

3. Maximizing. Through Blueprint Strategies, Kendra makes people better. She can take a group or an individual that is doing just fine and make them powerful performers. And that’s a beautiful thing!

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