A Happy New Year Haiku

Happy new year goals. Pathways full of potential. Make the luck you need. - A haiku about 2025, which is a year full of promise and potential for all of us (especially when we embrace planned happenstance by making the most of whatever situation the world throws us...
Business Strategy, but make it Cycling

Business Strategy, but make it Cycling

I recently finished Holocracy by Brian J. Robertson and one of the metaphors he uses in the book is that business strategy should be like riding a bicycle. Good strategies adapt and adjust based on member and community needs, kinda like how we adjust balance and speed...

Back to School Tips for All Ages

Back to School Tips for All Ages

Little tykes, kids, young adults, adults, and grad students are all heading back to school next week. Learning – and being able to thrive in educational environments – is perhaps the greatest reflection of human achievement. Our team at The Potentiality is thrilled to...

Five Tips for Setting Strengths-Based Goals this Year

Five Tips for Setting Strengths-Based Goals this Year

For many of us, a new year brings opportunities for improving skills and building resilience through goal setting. We call such goals “resolutions” and human beings are notoriously bad at achieving them. In fact, over 90% of us will not follow-through on our...

A Holiday Haiku

A Holiday Haiku

Good holiday vibes. Community together. Holiday tacos. - A holiday haiku that is meant to celebrate the vibes, cooperation, community, and food., like tacos, that make the holidays special.

A Recovery Haiku

A Recovery Haiku

Recovering slow. Torn Achilles in a boot. Having perspective. - A haiku about what it takes to be resilient when, well, we're getting older and the body breaks down...

A Failure Haiku

A Failure Haiku

Feeling like failure. Learning happens everywhere. Failing is learning. - This is a Failure - or a failing is learning - Haiku because it's been a tough month and I've learned a lot (humans always do!)

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