How to Spread Kindness in Your Community

Many years ago I presented at the University of British Columbia's Student Leadership Conference (it's one of the largest conferences in North America). I focused on straightforward tips on how to spread kindness in your community at school, at work and at home. How...
Three Creativity Lessons from Kindergarten

Three Creativity Lessons from Kindergarten

I’m learning a lot about kindergarten. A novel part of COVID worklife for my wife (who is her own woman) and I is that we get to teach our oldest son kindergarten. Feeling swells of exhaustion, inspiration and humility each week is becoming commonplace as we stand in...

A Being in Nature Haiku

A Being in Nature Haiku

Connective nature. Peaceful replenishing here.* Get outside today. - A being in nature haiku that reflects how getting outside, especially within trees and near water, improves physical and mental health. -- *Take nature walks Trees solve pretty much every problem on...

Five Tips for Setting Strengths-Based Goals this Year

Five Tips for Setting Strengths-Based Goals this Year

For many of us, a new year brings opportunities for improving skills and building resilience through goal setting. We call such goals “resolutions” and human beings are notoriously bad at achieving them. In fact, over 90% of us will not follow-through on our...

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