Who are you?

Paul Cubbon: http://blogs.ubc.ca/paulcubbon/
Marketing Instructor at the Sauder School of Business is my job title – but is it “who I am?” I am fun-loving, creative, problem solving, easily bored, often distracted, happy multi-tasking – I am an over-load junkie who runs hard at things allowing them to be all-consuming, and then I turn off and detox with something totally different. I need to sleep but wish that I could get by on less as there is so much to do. I’m hard-working and good at prioritizing – but I am also a lazy procrastinator. I like the simple things best of all: family, friends, good conversation, food, travel, books, movies, exercise. I like change, so long as there is a safety net! I’m gregarious and social – but love my own company and privacy.

What do you do for fun?

I run up mountains, I ski down them – picnic on the beach, eat and drink well with family and close friends – and have 10 books on the go at the same time.

What is your favourite community and why?

I think of communities in 2 ways….traditional ones built around schools, sport leagues and their virtual equivalents –online communities. Passion around shared interest is at the heart of what makes these tick – people giving without thought of getting anything in return because they believe in the cause and are happy to help. Social, sporting and volunteer communities have lots to teach business attempts at “community management” about values and authenticity.

I really like www.clubfatass.com – an irreverent community of off-road, long distance trail runners. Even though I am not a cyclist, I admire http://testofmetal.com/ for how volunteers created a large, world class economic driver for tourism based on a passion for mountain biking. In business I like the work of http://thinkengagement.com/ a social media consulting company that is building its business around identifying and nurturing passionate communities – this is why I am doing some work with them – to try and bridge personal and professional beliefs.

What is your superpower?

Ha! With 3 teenagers and teaching many hundreds of young adults each year, one is often reminded of one’s fallibility! Superpowers that I would like to have: slowing down time, or being able to live for longer at this level of energy; cancelling the need to sleep or adding more hours to the day. It would also be pretty cool to fly – superman style!

How do you use it to build community?

I guess this is a bit about dreaming or imagining – desire and drive…..these come back to mining passions….identifying what people care about – this is central to community.

My Three Favourite Things About Paul Cubbon are…

1. Funny T-Shirts. Paul is known and loved around the UBC campus for his creative, thoughtful, and downright ridiculous shirts. As a fan of ridiculous tshirts – those who know me know I have a few – I am also slightly jealous of Paul because he gets to wear them to work and is celebrated by his students and colleagues.

2. He ‘gets’ Social Media. So much so that he knows it’s not going to be called “social media” in five or ten years from now. By taking an active role in helping young people create positive digital footprints – which ideally will overwhelm all the bad ones – Paul is demonstrating his foresight when it comes to equipping our leaders of tomorrow with the proper connective tools. Ones that will help them socially as well as professionally.

3. Student Engagement. Whether it’s a teaching-focused course about general business for first year students or the simple gesture of making himself available in a common, high-student-traffic area, Paul is a master when it comes to connecting with students on their terms and through the mediums that they use. He also teaches them about a couple of other cool ones, too!

– as told by John Horn…

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