A Father Son Nature Haiku

"The Mango Tree" So many mangos. In the wind it waves hello to the mountains below. - A haiku co-created by my youngest son and I (we went on to write, like, seven more haikus and all I can say is that writing poetry with kids is pretty fun and I highly recommend it...
Three Leadership Lessons from Spider-Man

Three Leadership Lessons from Spider-Man

Plainly put, Spider-Man leads with a unique formula of leadership of kindness, humour humility, smarts, passion, and responsibility. And here are three leadership lessons that you can take away from Spider-Man. No, this not a “new idea” and “a few people” have “already written about this” in “2010” – this being said, my lessons get to the punchline quicker and better. And the artwork (see below) that I chose to adorn this post is both adorable and (probably) concerning.

An Imposter Syndrome Haiku

An Imposter Syndrome Haiku

Leaders need these things. Confidence. Humility. Imposter syndrome. - A haiku about how, with the best of intentions, blending confidence and humility can lead to imposter syndrome because interrogating our decisions and beliefs fosters curiosity and can also sew...

A Failure Haiku

A Failure Haiku

Feeling like failure. Learning happens everywhere. Failing is learning. - This is a Failure - or a failing is learning - Haiku because it's been a tough month and I've learned a lot (humans always do!)

10 Professional Lessons from Dancing

10 Professional Lessons from Dancing

In April 2015, 25 colleagues and I danced to Bruno Mars’s “Uptown Funk” as part of the entertainment for V After Dark, Vancity Credit Union’s annual employee recognition and celebration event. Here’s the video and a blog post about 10 professional lessons from dancing...

Five Ways to Triumph Over Jerks

Five Ways to Triumph Over Jerks

This article tells the story of five ways to triumph over jerks and other mean people who will infect your community. Recently, I encountered a wide variety of jerks. Let me tell you, it took adaptability, creativity, thoughtfulness, and great leadership to win...

A New Friendship Haiku

A New Friendship Haiku

Basketball* feelings. Infinite conversations. New friendship is here. - A haiku about new friendship, which started with *basketball feelings and has grown into the best vibes on Vancouver Island!

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